Consider the following deformed black string solution of low energy supergravity (describe single trace TˉT deformed BTZ black hole) given in eq.(2.17-2.18) here
ds2=−N21+ρ2R2dτ2+dρ2N2+ρ21+ρ2R2(dθ−Nθdτ)2,θ∼θ+2π B=ρ2r5√(1+ρ2−R2)(1+ρ2+R2)11+ρ2R2dτ∧dθ e2Φ=kvp√(1+ρ2−R2)(1+ρ2+R2)11+ρ2R2 with: N2=(ρ2−ρ2−)(ρ2−ρ2+)ρ2r25,Nθ=ρ−ρ+r5ρ2,r5=√α′k Where ρ± are the inner and outer horizons, k,p,v are constants of the theory α′ is the string tension, and R is deformation parameter and also the asymptotic radius of the θ circle, in the R→∞ limit this solution reduces to the (undeformed) BTZ black string solution, and in the limit ρ→∞ the asymptotic regime is a flat spacetime with linear dilaton. The canonical coordinates (t,x,ϕ) of the flat spacetime with linear dilaton is obtained after making the following transformation: t=Rr5τ,x=Rθ,ϕ=r5log(ρR)
According to eq.(21) in here the ADM mass of dilaton gravity systems, which tends to flat spacetimes in the asymptotics (given in the canonical normalized coordinates) is independent of the Kalb-Ramond (B) field and given by the formula: MADM=12κ20∮S∞e−2Φ[−∂iγtt+∂μγμi−∂iγ−2γiμ∂μΦ]dSi Where γμν=gμν−ημν with gμν the original metric, γ=det(γμν), and the integral is taken on the circle in radial infinity with normal to the sphere such that dSi=nidS In our case according to eq.(2.23) here: κ20=8πG3=2π√α′k3/2v preforming the integral will yield to: MADM=πRκ20limϕ→∞[√gxxe−2Φ[−∂ϕγtt+gϕϕ(∂ϕγϕϕ−2γϕϕ∂ϕΦ)−∂ϕγ]] MADM=Rpα′(1+ρ2++ρ2−R2)√(1+ρ2−R2)(1+ρ2+R2)=Rpα′√(1+˜ρ2−R2)(1+˜ρ2+R2) with: ˜ρ±=ρ±√1+ρ2∓R2 which is indeed compatible with eq.(2.24) and eq.(2.34) in here
My question is what is the analogous formula for computing the ADM angular momentum of a general dilaton-gravity system, and how to apply it on the 2+1 dimensional system above. According to eq.(2.32) in here the result should be: JADM=pα′ρ+ρ−√(1+ρ2+R2)(1+ρ2−R2)=pα′˜ρ+˜ρ−
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2024-12-29 21:31 (UTC), posted by SE-user Daniel Vainshtein