I'm looking at this reference (sorry it's a postscript file, but I can't find a pdf version on the web. This paper describes a similar procedure).
The topic is the Faddeev-Jackiw treatment of Lagrangians which are singular (Hessian vanishes) - similar to what Dirac does, but without the need to differentiate between first and second class constraints. Just looking at classical stuff here, no quantization.
Starting with the Maxwell Lagrangian
we see that it's second order in time derivatives acting on A.
We choose to write it in first order form like this
where we're treating Fμν now as an auxilliary, independent variable. Having defined this, Faddeev says
"we rewrite (the last equation) as:
My question is how does he arrive at this from the previous equation ? I don't see how just expanding the indices into time and space values ever gets me to A0(∂kF0k)
I can see how there's something special about A0, since when I write out the EOM for the first order Lagrangian, A0 drops out, which indeed it should do because we'll end up with it being a Lagrange multiplier. I just can't see how you end up with that term, with A0 multiplying ∂kF0k.
It's clearly correct since A0divE is just the Gauss law constraint.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-03-22 17:26 (UCT), posted by SE-user twistor59