I don't feel like reading the FAQ. It's really long. Even if I do read it, I'm probably still going to struggle to understand all the details of it. I've read big long forms to sign before and couldn't understand everything they were saying.
I used to be a bad contributor to Stack Exchange. After a really long time of receiving other people's feedback in comments and sometimes having temporary question blocks, I learned how to be a better contributor. After writing only 5 comments on speedrun.com intended as ideas, my speedrun.com account got banned indefinitely. I'm probably never going to think like speedrun.com staff all on my own. I feel like they're putting too much responsibility on their users to figure out on their own how to be good contributors bias free.
I worry that PhysicsOverflow is even worse than that. That they have no way to keep an eye on my contributions and check them. Contributions that only I have the power to check the accuracy of, I worry is too much burden of responsibility on me. I think only the community is capable of eliminating my bias towards the community and I'm not capable of eliminating my bias all on my own. I really hope they have a way to keep an eye on my contributions and check them and eliminate my bias in my desires and temptations of how to contribute for me. If they don't, the choice of contributing is always going to be there too hard to resist unlike the TORI website that only gives certain people permission to edit it and I would wish PhysicsOverflow were like TORI. That's going to feel worse even than knowing that if I cause too much trouble, they will physically limit the amount I can cause by banning me indefinitely like speedrun.com did. I'm not a researcher. I know so little about quantum mechanics but might ask questions about it.
My question is does PhysicsOverflow cast too much burden of responsibility on people like me with my criteria of what's too much as I described?