I'm trying to calculate the Quantum Fisher Information (QFI) of a Gaussian state. In this case, I'm following the prescription outlined in this paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.7352, which was published here https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjd/e2014-50560-1. In general, my question is about the definition of the tensor inverse for calculating the QFI matrix and how to deal with singular matrices, which seem to come up.
In the Gaussian case, the QFI matrix can be written as Fij=12(m−1)μν,αβ(∇θjΣαβ)(∇θiΣμν)
where m is defined as m=Σ⊗Σ+14Ω⊗Ω,
Σ is the covariance matrix of the state, the indices represent the listing of the vector of lowering and raising operators of the state (over the various modes)
θi is the i-th element of the parameter list, and
Ω is defined by
Ω=iσy⊕iσy where
σy is the Pauli-y matrix.
One part of this is to understand what the "inverse" of the tensor m should be. To my knowledge, the authors seem to define it as below: (m−1)ijklmklmn=δimδjn
So that we can arrive at their equation 38 using an analog of equation 27
However, in going through the motions of calculating this inverse tensor for several of their examples (see section 4.1 for example), I keep running into issues where the method to calculate the inverse fails as the matrix is singular. Is there some other way of calculating the inverse (specifically of the singular "matrix") that I'm unaware of or is there a separate definition for taking the tensor inverse (I know that they are not usually unique)?
Below I list my methods for calculating the inverse, which typically work for a generic matrix with symbolic elements using mathematica. Neither of which yield an inverse of the tensor examples given in the text due to their singular nature.
I used the code found in this post https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/244973/inverse-of-the-matrix-with-several-indices
solving for the inverse directly from the definition as a system of linear equations
b = Table[
Symbol["b" <> ToString[i] <> ToString[j] <> ToString[k] <>
ToString[l]], {i, 1, numModes}, {j, 1, numModes}, {k, 1, numModes}, {l, 1, numModes}];
Solve[And @@
Sum[b[[i, j, l, k]]*M[[l, k, m, n]], {l, 1, numModes}, {k, 1, numModes}]
== KroneckerDelta[i, l]KroneckerDelta[j, p],
{i, 1, numModes}, {j, 1,numModes}, {m, 1, numModes}, {p, 1, numModes}]
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